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CravenLAB produces numerous papers and important research
Below is a collection of some of their most significant work



El-Kotob R, Pagcanlungan JR, Craven BC, Sherrington C, Mourtzakis M, Giangregorio LM. Exploring participants' perspectives on adverse events due to resistance training: a qualitative study. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2023.


Craven BC, Brisbois L, Pelletier C, Rybkina J, Heesters A, Verrier MC. Central Recruitment: A process for engaging and recruiting individuals with spinal cord injury/disease in research at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2021;44(sup1):S240-S9.


Bandini A, Kalsi-Ryan S, Craven BC, Zariffa J, Hitzig SL. Perspectives and recommendations of individuals with tetraplegia regarding wearable cameras for monitoring hand function at home: Insights from a community-based study. J Spinal Cord Med. 2021:1-12.

Singh H, Scovil CY, Yoshida K, Oosman S, Kaiser A, Craven C, et al. Factors that influence the risk of falling after spinal cord injury: a qualitative photo-elicitation study with individuals that use a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility. BMJ Open. 2020;10(2):e034279-e.

Santino N, Larocca V, Hitzig SL, Guilcher SJT, Craven BC, Bassett-Gunter RL. Physical activity and life satisfaction among individuals with spinal cord injury: Exploring loneliness as a possible mediator. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2020:1-7.

Singh H, Flett H, Hitzig S, et al. A comparison of falls between wheelchair users and ambulators with spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2019;100(10):e34-e34.



Jeyathevan G, Cameron JI, Craven BC, Munce SEP, Jaglal SB. Re-building relationships after a spinal cord injury: experiences of family caregivers and care recipients. BMC Neurol. 2019;19(1):117.



Jeyathevan G, Cameron JI, Craven BC, Jaglal SB. Identifying Required Skills to Enhance Family Caregiver Competency in Caring for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury Living in the Community. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2019;25(4):290-302.



Guilcher SJT, Catharine Craven B, Bassett-Gunter RL, Cimino SR, Hitzig SL. An examination of objective social disconnectedness and perceived social isolation among persons with spinal cord injury/dysfunction: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Disabil Rehabil. 2019:1-7.



Singh H, Sam J, Verrier MC, Flett HM, Craven BC, Musselman KE. Life after personalized adaptive locomotor training: a qualitative follow-up study. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2018;4(1).



Rivers CS, Fallah N, Noonan VK, et al. Health Conditions: Effect on Function, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Life Satisfaction After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. A Prospective Observational Registry Cohort Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2018;99(3):443-451.



Pelletier CA, Omidvar M, Miyatani M, Giangregorio L, Craven BC. Participation in moderate-to-vigorous leisure time physical activity is related to decreased visceral adipose tissue in adults with spinal cord injury. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2018;43(2):139-144.



Moore CD, Craven BC, Thabane L, Papaioannou A, Adachi JD, Giangregorio LM. Does Muscle Atrophy and Fatty Infiltration Plateau or Persist in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury? Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 2018;21(3):329-337.



Singh H, Shah M, Flett HM, Craven BC, Verrier MC, Musselman KE. Perspectives of individuals with sub-acute spinal cord injury after personalized adapted locomotor training. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017;40(7):820-828.



Burns AS, St-Germain D, Connolly M, et al. Neurogenic Bowel After Spinal Cord Injury From the Perspective of Support Providers: A Phenomenological Study. Pm&R. 2015;7(4):407-416.



Burns AS, St-Germain D, Connolly M, et al. Phenomenological Study of Neurogenic Bowel From the Perspective of Individuals Living With Spinal Cord Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2015;96(1):49-55.


Guilcher SJT, Casciaro T, Lemieux-Charles L, Craven C, McColl MA, Jaglal SB. Social networks and secondary health conditions: The critical secondary team for individuals with spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2012;35(5):330-342.



Ginis KAM, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Latimer-Cheung AE, et al. Predictors of Leisure Time Physical Activity Among People with Spinal Cord Injury. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2012;44(1):104-118.



Craven C, Hitzig SL, Mittmann N. Impact of impairment and secondary health conditions on health preference among Canadians with chronic spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2012;35(5):361-370.



Buchholz AC, Horrocks J, Ginis KAM, et al. Changes in traditional chronic disease risk factors over time and their relationship with leisure-time physical activity in people living with spinal cord injury. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme. 2012;37(6):1072-1079.



Thrasher TA, Sin VW, Masani K, Vette AH, Craven BC, Popovic MR. Responses of the trunk to multidirectional perturbations during unsupported sitting in normal adults. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2010;26(3):332-340.


Ginis KAM, Latimer AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, et al. Leisure Time Physical Activity in a Population-Based Sample of People With Spinal Cord Injury Part I: Demographic and Injury-Related Correlates. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2010;91(5):722-728.



Ginis KAM, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Latimer AE, et al. Leisure Time Physical Activity in a Population-Based Sample of People With Spinal Cord Injury Part II: Activity Types, Intensities, and Durations. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2010;91(5):729-733.


McVeigh SA, Hitzig SL, Craven BC. Influence of sport participation on community integration and quality of life: A comparison between sport participants and non-sport participants with spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2009;32(2):115-124.


McGillivray CF, Hitzig SL, Craven BC, Tonack MI, Krassioukov AV. Evaluating knowledge of autonomic dysreflexia among individuals with spinal cord injury and their families. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2009;32(1):54-62.


Buchholz AC, Ginis KAM, Bray SR, et al. Greater daily leisure time physical activity is associated with lower chronic disease risk in adults with spinal cord injury. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme. 2009;34(4):640-647.



Tonack M, Hitzig SL, Craven BC, Campbell KA, Boschen KA, McGillivray CF. Predicting life satisfaction after spinal cord injury in a Canadian sample. Spinal Cord. 2008;46(5):380-385.



Hitzig SL, Tonack M, Campbell KA, et al. Secondary health complications in an aging Canadian spinal cord, injury sample. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2008;87(7):545-555.



Ginnis KAM, Latimer AE, Hicks AL, Craven BC. Physical Activity Recall Assessment for People with Spinal Cord Injury. American Psychological Association (APA); 2005.



Latimer AE, Ginis KAM, Craven BC. Psychosocial Predictors and Exercise Intentions and Behavior among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2004;21(1):71-85.



Ginis KAM, Latimer AE, McKechnie K, et al. Using exercise to enhance subjective well-being among people with spinal cord injury: The mediating influences of stress and pain. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2003;48(3):157-164.

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