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Saina Aliabadi
PhD Student

I am a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Craven at the University of Toronto. My major of study is Rehabilitation Science at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute (RSI). I got my Master’s from the Tehran University of Medical Science in Physiotherapy. I plan to study changes in bone mass and bone architecture in individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) due to trauma or disease (SCI/D) in response to supplements, drugs, and rehabilitation therapy alone or in combination. The aim of my research program is to reduce lower extremity fractures and fracture-related morbidity and mortality.

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Matthew Cleland, 3rd year undergraduate student, B.Sc. Molecular Biology and Genetics at McMaster
Research Clerk - Co-op Placement

I am a third-year undergraduate co-op student studying molecular biology and genetics at McMaster university. With the Craven Lab I am assisting a systematic review of bone health biomarkers in spinal cord injury patients, with the goal of improving diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis to prevent fractures in this vulnerable population. I work closely with Craven Lab team members past and present to see this and other research papers to completion.

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