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CravenLABs research and innovation has resulted in many practical  products

Acquisition and Analysis of Knee Region Bone Mineral Density


Our Acquisition and Analysis of Bone Mineral Density of the Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia Protocol is available here.

The protocol is intended for use with a polycarbonate knee positioning device which maintains position and prevents rotation or movement artifacts during scan acquisition. The positioning device is not recognized by the Hologic Densitometer, can be adjusted for the limb size of the patient and enables reproducible scan acquisition among individuals with spinal cord injury or other mobility impairments.

In additioner to the positioning device and protocol, the Normative Data Knee Calculator (available here) and the Hologic Knee Template are required (please email us for the Hologic template files). Additional velcro strapping, to aid in patient positioning, can be ordered separately, if needed.


Innovative and Effective


MyndMove™ is a non-invasive therapy that combines patient participation, therapist expertise and the MyndMove™ functional electrical stimulation (FES) device to restore voluntary hand and arm function in patients suffering from upper-limb paralysis. The MyndMove™ device is a single system comprised of several parts:

  • embedded stimulation protocols that can elicit over 30 different reaching and grasping movements

  • an 8 channel stimulator that can stimulate up to 8 different muscle groups in a single stimulation protocol

  • an intuitive user interface allowing therapists to select and deliver personalized therapy

UHN-Lyndhurst Centre
520 Sutherland Drive
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 3V9
Ph: (416) 597-3422 x.6123
Fax: (416) 425-9923
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